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Writer's pictureM Surendran UNNI

Micro-Marketing -Some fascinating options

Marketing has gracefully graduated from what was mainly centered around the use of traditional mass media/ digital formats, to what I would fondly call as offbeat avenues. With mass media consumption too dropping quite a bit post March 2020, brand custodians had to come out with exciting answers to all these new challenges.

However, with this pandemic striking abruptly, many of such options became irrelevant. No wonder, the brand managers actively look at micro-marketing options-which though I feel is a low-profile option, is catching the imagination of marketers. Especially during the recent pandemic days, the options for marketers were progressively drying up along with footfalls at outlets. Consumers were just not in a mood to step out and visit retail showrooms or malls, even the neighbourhood provision store. No outings, no shopping, not even window-shopping! The marketers had to literally think on their feet, and act, so that their brand remains afloat. And no wonder, micro marketing, a concept which is growing in popularity rapidly, provided some energetic solutions.

The housing society where I reside, presented live showrooms-which proved that “if customers stopped visiting us, our showrooms can visit them”. Many Sundays witnessed nice names like MAX or PANTALOONS visiting our housing complex. Early on Sunday morning itself, we would find a full-fledged an outlet, sometimes even an MBO, with a total touch and feel factor of a showroom born, complete with all POS promo material like posters and Danglers, sales staff, swiping machines etc., the works. And it was inspiring to see such attempts yielding encouraging results, endorsing the age-old saying that” initiatives with conviction are mostly rewarded in full measure!" Of course, the housing society would have to be compensated for, on a per day basis-but going by the fact that the person (who arranged this) approached me for more such references would establish beyond doubt that the results were indeed promising, if not spectacular.

Going forward, this may be one of the reassuring answers marketers are looking for eagerly, where spends would be relatively lower and publicity expenses negligible keeping the overheads factor moderate. This is just tip of the iceberg, there could be many such (relatively unexplored) options of tapping or addressing an energetic, prospective group within your main TG within a given geographic location-or may be a formidable ethnic group who are high in purchasing power, again within the brand TA. Only prerequisite for this effort to succeed is that the brand -in charge should study the option thoroughly before embarking on it. The ROI element should justify the choice, every bit!

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